Together we sail into the future
We support the training of young NEETs in offshore professions to help them access the job market.
Sea routes to success

The results
- Young people trained
- Training hours provided
- Hours of navigation
- Internships activated

In collaboration with: Non Solo Vela – Associazione di Promozione Sociale

THE CHALLENGE: NEETs, an increasing social challenge
Italy ranks first in Europe in the number of NEETs, i.e. youths Not in Education Employment or Training, meaning they are not part of any educational institution or training programmes, nor are they actively employed.
According to the latest official data from the Italian National Institute of Statistics and Eurostat, the number of NEETs in the age group between 15 and 29 years is 2,116,000, that is 23.4% of the total number of young people in the same age group living in Italy.
It is a snapshot of unease among youths that affects the future opportunities of many, and which depletes the entire country’s system.
For these idle young people, the prolonged exclusion from the job market and training carries a risk of social exclusion and marginalisation, particularly for the weaker subjects.
Thus, it is necessary to provide targeted campaigns to support them — specifically at that crucial stage when, as soon as they leave school, they are searching for their first job — to avert any negative personal and social repercussions.

Sea Routes to Success provides a training programme aimed at delivering theoretical and practical skills in the field of offshore professions that are typical of the Genoese tradition.
The goal is to provide 12 youths from Genoa who experienced an extended absence from formal training, with privileged access to the job market.
A goal that promotes equal opportunities for young NEETs, and which is pursued in other projects of the Foundation, such as “Into Work Together” and “NEET in Trekking”.

OUR PROJECT: to offer training programmes in offshore professions for a future of value
The Sea Routes to Success project is aimed at 12 boys and girls, Italians and foreigners with a residence permit, who have stated their interest in offshore professions and have the physical prerequisites to be enrolled in the Seafarers Register.
The applications, collected through the employment centres and local services, were followed by a selection process undertaken by the experts of Non Solo Vela in conjunction with a Human Resources team from Costa Crociere.
The project participants had access to a training programme split into theory lessons inside a classroom, and a practical part with shipbuilding workshops and time spent at sea.
The course contents dealt with matters pertaining to offshore professions, including the mandatory International Maritime Organisation classes for seafarers; the issuing of relevant certificates, permits and licences; and the delivery of specific skills in English and IT. Providing trainees with a deep learning experience, besides developing their specialised professional skills, also facilitated the development of interpersonal relationships and boosted teamwork.
At the end of the course the participants were able to carry out a three-month apprenticeship funded by the project itself, which gave local businesses the rare opportunity to value highly motivated youths and thus, to enrich their human resources and provide these young people with the opportunity to measure themselves against the job market and navigate confidently into the future.